Kevin Lambirth

Kevin Lambirth
Kevin finished his B.S. degree in Biology with a Chemistry minor in 2010 from Pfeiffer University, where he worked as an undergraduate Milton Rose research fellow. In collaboration with the UNCC spinout company Soymeds, Kevin worked to generate transgenic soybeans (Glycine max) through Agrobacterium-induced transgenesis expressing proteins for potential cost-effective human healthcare applications. Following graduation, Kevin continued his work with Soymeds for one year before entering the Biological Sciences PhD program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the laboratory of Dr. Kenneth Bost, where he explored gene expression differences induced in soybeans seeds through the transformation process: a collaborative effort with the UNCC Bioinformatics department. Kevin completed his PhD in December of 2015 and is now a post-doctoral research fellow under Dr. Cynthia Gibas in UNCC’s Bioinformatics and Genomics department, investigating microbial populations and diversity in Charlotte’s urban and wastewater treatment systems.
1. Rebecca D. Powell, Laura C. Hudson, Kevin C. Lambirth, Diane Luth, Kan Wang, Kenneth L. Bost, Kenneth J. Piller. (2011) Recombinant Expression of Homodimeric 660 kDa Human Thyroglobulin in Soybean Seeds: An Alternative Source of Human Thyroglobulin. Plant Cell Reports, March 8th, 2011. 2. Laura C. Hudson, Kevin C. Lambirth, Kenneth L. Bost, Kenneth J. Piller. (2012) Advancements in Transgenic Soy: From Field to Bedside. A Comprehensive Survey of International Soybean Research – Genetics, Physiology, Agronomy and Nitrogen Relationships. Intech Publishing, January 2nd, 2013. 3. Kenneth L. Bost, Kevin C. Lambirth, Laura C. Hudson, Kenneth J. Piller. (2014) Soybean-Derived Thyroglobulin As an Analyte Specific Reagent for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests and Devices. Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol 80. (Quarter 4, 2014) 4. Kevin C. Lambirth, Adam Whaley, Ivory Blakely, Jessica Schleuter, Ann Loraine, Kenneth Bost, Kenneth Piller. (2015) A Comparison of Transgenic and Wild Type Soybean Seeds: Analysis of Transcriptome Profiles Using RNA-Seq. BMC Biotechnology, October 2015. 5. Kevin C. Lambirth, Adam M. Whaley, Jessica A. Schlueter, Kenneth L. Bost, Kenneth J. Piller. (2015) CONTRAILS: A tool for rapid identification of transgene integration sites in complex, repetitive genomes using low-coverage paired-end sequencing. Genomics Data, September 2015.