CCI Faculty and Staff take on the Novant Health Marathon!

Last Saturday two groups made up of faculty and staff from our college competed in the 2017 Novant Health Charlotte Marathon. The teams ran in the 26.2-mile relay
that began at 7:30 a.m. The groups ran alongside several other teams all day.
The weather was not on the runners’ side, for it was extremely cold and cloudy. However, both teams pushed through it and finished the race in less than 4 and ½ hours! Out of 108 teams, team “Code Runner” ranked in 63rd place, finishing the race in 4 hours 21 minutes and 58 seconds. Code Runner members were Mary Lou Maher, Sandy Krause, KR Subramanian, Siddharth Krishnan, and Julio Bahamon. Ranked in 64th place, team Run4CCI finished the race in 4 hours 22 minutes and 56 seconds. Run4CCI members were Fatma Mili, Taghi Mostafavi, Rich Nguyen, Yongge Wang, and Chao Wang.
Congratulations are in order for both teams for accomplishing such a major goal!