CCI Student Professional Development

CCI Professional Development activities are designed to help students gain confidence in communicating their experiences and skills to potential employers through workshops and events led by industry professionals and alums. Additionally, these programs are designed to help students build networking contacts as they seek opportunities. Those who participate indicate an increase in understanding about industry topics, the work of various roles, as well as a better understanding of how to apply transferable skills with their technical knowledge to achieve their goals.

Spring Semester 2025

Professional Development Meet Ups 
Tuesdays at 4
Employer in the Foyer Tabling
Wednesdays 11-2

Communication + Teamwork with TIAA
Monday, March 24, 4:00pm, Virtual

Come learn from the Lead Information Security Incident and Response Specialist at TIAA how to clearly exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives  with people in order to build and maintain collaborative relationships to work towards common goals.

RSVP & More Information

Google DevFest: Build with AI
Tuesday, March 25, 5:00pm, Dubois Center

Join us to learn about Gemini 2.0, Gemma family of models, On Device AI, and Google Cloud & Vertex AI.

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Employer in the Foyer: LeanTECHniques

Wednesday, March 26, 11:00am-2:00pm, Woodward Second FloorLeanTECHniques will host an engagement table Wednesday, March 26, 11 a.m.-2p.m. on the second floor of Woodward Hall. Students can drop by and learn more about the company as well as receive professional development-related feedback. No appointment necessary. Drop-ins welcome.

How to Market Yourself led by Brooksource
Tuesday, April 1, 4:00pm, Virtual

Learn tips on how to best market yourself in your resume, on LinkedIn, and when you are in networking conversations or interviews. Led by MacK Goodwin of Brooksource, an IT Workforce Strategist and Alumna with expertise in personal branding.
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Employer in the Foyer: The Hartford

Wednesday, April 2, 11:00am-2:00pm, Woodward Second FloorThe Hartford will host an engagement table Wednesday, March 26, 11 a.m.-2p.m. on the second floor of Woodward Hall. Students can drop by and learn more about the company as well as receive professional development-related feedback. No appointment necessary. Drop-ins welcome.

Professionalism + Teamwork led by The Hartford
Tuesday, April 8, 4:00pm, Woodward 135

Come learn how at The Hartford understanding and demonstrating effective work habits while acting in the interest of the larger community and workplace melds with leveraging technologies ethically to enhance efficiency, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

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Peer Tech Talk: AI-Powered Development
Thursday, April 10, 4:00pm, Woodward 154

AI is everywhere, and it’s easier than ever to integrate it into your own apps and websites. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out, this session will show you how to quickly and effectively implement AI-powered features in your projects.

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Professionalism + Teamwork with TIAA
Tuesday, April 15, 4:00pm, Woodward 135

Come learn from Senior Cybersecurity Engineer at TIAA how to understand and demonstrate effective work habits while acting in the interest of the larger community and workplace.

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The JELD-WEN Summer Internship Program empowers talented undergraduate students to gain real-world working experience and professional development in one of four potential business areas. This position is focused on the Information Technology business area. The internship program includes meaningful projects and challenging work assignments geared at developing professional competencies and skills in a chosen discipline. Additionally, throughout the summer internship, participants will have the opportunity for professional development, mentoring, and networking opportunities to help enhance future leadership. 

big Interview

UNC Charlotte CCI Students!
Practice for your interviews using Big Interview!

After submitting a video, Big Interview’s robust AI tool will offer you immediate feedback on where you are with interview prep and will share tips and strategies for improvement.

You can practice online, any time of the day or night, from the comfort of your own room.
  • You access Big Interview through 
  • NinerNet credentials. You will not need to create an account to use the system.
  • Go to the “Assignments” tab.
    • On the right hand side, enter the code provided to you
      • Cyber security – ad449a
      • Software Engineering – 71ce93
      • Information Technology – f3925f
      • Software Developer – d80b17
      • Data Science/Analytics – 4e7d27AI – 475723
    • Click “Start Assignment”

ON CAMPUS Job Listings

Go to Hire-a-Niner to inquire or apply!