Jessica Schlueter

Jessica Schlueter Institution: Iowa State University
Degree: Ph.D., Genetics
Year Graduated: 2006
Dr. Schlueter received her BS in Genetics from Texas A&M and her PhD in Genetics at Iowa State University. Prior to arriving at UNC Charlotte in 2009, Dr. Schlueter was a postdoc at Purdue University. Dr. Schlueter’s research focus is plant genome sequencing and understanding how genome structure and complexity can be used to improve crops. She has worked on the soybean and oat genomes as part of the PanOat Consortium, miRNA profiling, and developing genetic tools for Yaupon, a native North American tea plant. Dr. Schlueter is also a part of the Environmental Monitoring Lab (EML) and is currently co-managing the UNC Charlotte SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance program as well as the SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance sequencing program. As part of the EML, Dr. Schlueter is working to develop protocols and methods to surveil not only SARS-CoV-2 but also emerging pathogens.
Dr. Jessica Schlueter Google Scholar
- Mamidi, S., R.K. Lee, J. Terpstra, Lavin, M. Cheung, F., Town, C.D., Schlueter, J.A., Dixon, P., Shoemaker, R.C. and P.E. McClean. 2009. Whole genome duplication and the evolutionary divergence of legumes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, in press.
- Joseph, B., Schlueter, J.A., Du, J., Graham, M.A., Ma, J and R.C. Shoemaker. 2009. Retrotransposons in the intergenic regions of syntenic regions in soybean and Medicago truncatula. The Plant Genome, in press.
- Ramasamy, P., Menz, M.A., Metha, P.J., Katile, S., Gutierrez, R.L., Klein, R.R., Klein, P.E., Prom, L.K., Schlueter, J.A., Rooney, W.L., and Magill, C.W. 2009. Moelcular mapping of cgi, a gene for resistance to anthracnose (Collectotrichum sublineolum) in sorghum. Eyphytica, 165: 597-606.
- Zhang, C., Mallery, E.L., Huang, S., Fan, Y., Schlueter, J.A., Staiger, C.J, and Szymanski, D.B. 2008. The Arabidopsis SCAR gene family: unequal redundancy and ARP2/3-activation thresholds control shoot morphogenesis. Plant Cell, 10.1105/TPC.107.055350.
- Schlueter, J.A., J.L. Goicoechea, K. Collura, N. Gill, J-Y. Lin, Y. Yu, D. Kudrna, A. Zuccolo, C.E. Vallejos, M. Munoz-Torres, M.W. Blair, J. Tohme, J. Tomkins, P. McClean, R.A. Wing and S.A. Jackson. 2008. A BAC-based physical map of Phaseolus vulgaris, Tropical Plant Biology, 10.1007/s12042-007-9003-9.
- Schlueter, J.A., B.E. Scheffler, S.A. Jackson and R.C. Shoemaker. 2008. Fractionation of a genomic region containing tandemly duplicated genes across Glycine max, Medicago truncatula and Arabidopsis thaliana. J. of Heredity, doi:10.1093/jhered/esn010.
- Schlueter, J.A., J-Y Lin, S.D. Schlueter, I.F. Vasylenko-Sanders, S. Deshpande, J. Yi, M. Siegfried, B.A. Roe, R.T. Nelson, B.E. Scheffler, S.A. Jackson and R.C. Shoemaker. 2007. Genome duplication in soybean and the implications for whole genome sequencing. BMC Genomics 8:330.
- Schlueter, J.A., B.E. Scheffler, B.A. Roe, S.D. Schlueter and R.C. Shoemaker. 2007. The FAD2 family of soybean: insights into the structural and functional divergence of a paleopolyploid genome. The Plant Genome, a Suppl. To Crop Sci. 47: 14-26.
- Schlueter, J.A., B.E. Scheffler, S.D. Schlueter and R.C. Shoemaker. 2006. Sequence conservation of homeologous BACs and expression of homeologous genes in soybean (Glycine max L Merr) Genetics, 174(2): 1017-1028.
- Shoemaker, R.C., Schlueter J.A., and Doyle, J.J., 2006 Paleopolyploidy and gene duplication in soybean and other legumes. Current Opinions in Plant Biology, 9: 104-109.
- Pfeil, B.E., Schlueter, J.A., Shoemaker, R.C. and J.J. Doyle. 2005. Placing paleopolyploidy in relation to taxon divergence: a phylogenetic analysis in legumes using 39 gene families. Systematic Biology 54: 441-454.
- Schlueter, J.A., P. Dixon, C. Granger, D. Grant, L. Clark, J.J. Doyle and R.C. Shoemaker. 2004. Mining EST databases to resolve evolutionary events in major crop species. Genome, 47: 868-876.