Lawrence Mays

Lawrence Mays
Degree Institution: University of Virginia
Degree: Ph.D.
Year Graduated: 1973 Publications:
Maher, M., Cukic, B., Mays, L., Rogelberg, S., Latulipe, C., Payton, J., Rorrer, A., & Frevert, T. (2016). The Connected Learner: Engaging Faculty to Connect Computing Students to Peers, Profession and Purpose. In Frontiers in Engineering Education (FIE), 2016 IEEE (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
Maher, M., Cukic, B., Mays, L., Latulipe, C., Rogelberg, S., Rorrer, A., Frevert, T., & Davis, D. (2018). Organizational Change for Broadening Participation in CS Education. In Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), 2018 IEEE (pp. TBD). IEEE.
Maher, M., Cukic, B., Mays, L., Rogelberg, S., Rorrer, A., Latulipe, C., Frevert., T., & Davis, D. (forthcoming). Sustainable Educational Innovation Through Engaged Pedagogy and Organizational Change. In Frontiers in Engineering Education (FIE), 2018 IEEE (pp. TBD). IEEE.