Mohamed Shehab

Mohamed Shehab
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Degree Institution: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Degree: Ph.D. Computer Engineering
Year Graduated: 2007
Research Description: Information Privacy and Security, Access Control and Authentication, Usable Security and Privacy, Application Security
Dr. Shehab is a Professor of Software and Information Systems Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University in August 2007. His research and teaching interests are in the broad areas of network and information security. In particular, his research focuses on advancing the state of the art in the design and implementation of distributed access control protocols to cope with the requirements of emerging distributed, Web Services, Mobile Applications, Social Networks, and P2P environments. Dr. Shehab is also interested in research topics related to security, privacy enhancing technologies, usable security and human factors. He is the director of the Lab of Information Integration Security and Privacy at UNC Charlotte, and has been awarded several NSF awards and a Google research award. He has extensive experience in secure web and mobile application development; furthermore, he has designed and taught the first mobile application development course at UNC Charlotte.