Mohammad Farid Atif

Mohammad Farid Atif
4.Straub, J., B. Kading, A. Mohammad, S. Kerlin. 2015. Characterization of a Large, Low-Cost 3D Scanner. Technologies, Vol. 3, No 1.
[40] Mohammad, A., J. Straub. 2015. Open Space Box: Communication to Support Big Data in Orbit. SPIE Defense + Sensing 2015.
[39] Mohammad, A., J. Straub. 2015. Economic Analysis of Open Space Box Model Utilization in Space Craft. SPIE Defense + Sensing 2015.
[38] Mohammad, A., J. Straub. 2015. Use of Open Space Box: Supporting Tele-Medicine in Space Through Efficient Data Transmission. SPIE Defense + Sensing 2015.
[36] Straub, J., A. Mohammad. 2015. Space Medical Applications of Optical 3D Scanning. SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications 2015.
[35] Mohammad, A., J. Straub. 2015. Pragmatic Open Space Box Utilization: Asteroid Survey Model using Distributed Objects Management Based Articulation (DOMBA). SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications 2015.
Book Chapter:
Atif Farid Mohammad, Hamid Mcheick. Big Data & Analytics. In preparation. IGI-global, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Florida, USA, 2014.
Atif Farid Mohammad, Hamid Mcheick, Emanuel S. Grant (chapter). Cloud as a Major Catalyst of Change in Contemporary Business Environment, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Book title: Business Intelligence and Mobile Technology Research: An Information Engineering Perspective, Edited by Sean B. Eom & Mohamad Laouar, New Castle Tyne, United Kingdom, 2014.
[34] Hamid Mcheick, and Atif Mohammad, The Evident Use of Evidence Theory in Big Data Analytics using Cloud Computing, The 2014 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ccece 2014), May 4-7, 2014, Toronto, Canada.
[33] Atif Farid Mohammad, Hamid Mcheick, Emanuel Grant. Big Data Architecture Evolution: 2014 and Beyond. 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2014), DIVANET-ACM, pp.139-144, September 22-26, 2014, Montreal, Canada.
3. Atif Mohammad, Hamid Mcheick, and Emanuel Grant. Use of SOA 3.0 in Private Cloud Security Gateway Service Design: Beginning of New Era, submitted to IEEE transactions, special issues Cloud Computing, 2014.
Seminar/Forum Presentations
7. Mohammad, A., J. Berk, J. Straub, E. Grant. 2013. OpenOrbiter Mission Architecture. Presented at the University of North Dakota Graduate School Scholarly Forum.
6. Korvald, C., A. Mohammad, J. Straub and J. Berk. 2012. CubeSat Software Architecture. North Dakota Space Robotics Forum.
5. Apostal, D., A. Mohammad, J. Straub, J. Berk. 2012. Ground Station Software Model. North Dakota Space Robotics Forum.
4. Mohammad, A., J. Straub, J. Berk, N. Long, D. Apostal, A. Nervold, B. Badders, T. Hill, P. Galegher, D. Torgerson. 2012. Open Orbiter Mission Architecture. North Dakota Space Robotics Forum.
3. Torgerson, D., M. Arangala, M. Hlas, D. Bullock, D. Limesand, C. Kerbaugh, D. Schuler, M. Fossen, E. Carlson, A. Mohammad, J. Berk, J. Straub. Operating Software. North Dakota Space Robotics Forum.
2. Korvald, C., J. Straub, A. Mohammad, J. Berk. 2012. Payload Software. North Dakota Space Robotics Forum.
32. Atif Mohammad and Hamid Mcheick, A Pre-Cloud Evolution Perspective of Legacy Systems, Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Electronic Commerce (ICITEC-IEEE 2013), Harbin, China, 2013.
31. Straub, J., C. Korvald, A. Nervold, A. Mohammad, N. Root, N. Long, D. Torgerson. 2013. OpenOrbiter: A Low-Cost, Educational Prototype CubeSat Mission Architecture. Machines, Vol. 1, No. 1.
30. Straub, J. and A. Mohammad. 2013. An Examination of the Benefits and Detriments of Defining Hardware Interoperability and Communications Standards for Small Satellites. Accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 2013 Reinventing Space Conference.
29. Long, N., R. Roberts, D. Hasselmann, A. Mohammad, J. Straub, J. Berk, N. Root. 2013. A Remote Sensing Optical Design for the OpenOrbiter CubeSat. Accepted for presentation at SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications.
28. Straub, J., A. Mohammad, J. Berk, A. Nervold. 2013 Above the Cloud Computing: Creating an Orbital Service Model Using Cloud Computing Techniques. Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing Conference.
27. Straub, J., R. Marsh, A. Mohammad. 2013. Robotic Disaster Recovery Efforts with Ad-Hoc Deployable Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing Conference.
26. Straub, J. A. Mohammad. 2013. OPEN and OpenOrbiter: a Needs-Responsive Solution for the Small Satellite Community. Presented at the Spring 2013 CubeSat Workshop.
25. Straub, J., J. Berk, A. Nervold, A. Mohammad, C. Korvald, D. Torgerson. 2013. Open Orbiter: A Platform for Enabling Planetary Science. Presented at the 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
24. Atif Farid Mohammad, Joumana Dargham, Hamid Mcheick, Attia T. Noor.Software Evolution as SaaS: Evolution of Intelligent Design in Cloud. Procedia Computer Science, Volume 19, 2013, Pages 486-493
23. Donovan Torgerson, David Bullock, Jeremy Straub, Atif Mohammad, Dayln Limesand, Cameron Kerbaugh, Mitchell Fossen, Edwin Carlson, Daniel Schuler, and Christoffer Korvald. “An open-source scheduler for small satellites.” SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing. Baltimore, MD. 2013
22. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel Grant, Ronald Marsh, Scott Kerlin. Cloud Computing Monitoring Gateway for Secured Session Management of Big Data Analytic Sessions. CGAT 2013, Singapore April 2013
21. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel Grant, Scott Kerlin. Cloud Computing Monitoring Gateway for Big Data Secured Analysis using Live Signature – TPALM. CGAT 2013, Singapore April 2013
20. Abhilasha Bhatia, Kyle Goehner, John Sand, Jeremy Straub, Atif Mohammad, Christoffer Korvald, Anders Norvold. Sensor and Computing Resource Management for a Small Satellite. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky Montana, March 2013
19. Atif Farid Mohammad, Jeremy Straub, Christoffer Korvald, Emanuel Grant. Model-Based Software Engineering for an Imaging CubeSat and Its Extrapolation to Other Missions.IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky Montana, March 2013
18. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel Grant, Jeremy Straub, Ronald Marsh, Scott Kerlin. Exposing Multiple User-Specific Data Denominated Products from a Single Small Satellite Data Stream. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky Montana, March 2013
2. Jeremy Straub, Christoffer Korvald, Anders Nervold, Atif Mohammad, Noah Root, Nicholas Long and Donovan Torgerson. OpenOrbiter: A Low-Cost, Educational Prototype CubeSat Mission Architecture. Machines, 1, 1-32, January 2013
1. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel Grant. Cloud Computing Security for Governments using Live Signature TPALM Printing Client Service. Journal of Computing Vol 2, No. 3. 2012
17. Atif Farid. Mohammad, Hamid. Mcheick. Cloud as a Major Catalysts of Change in Contemporary Business Environment. ICSENT 2012, LNCS Springer Publications. Tunisia, December 2012
16. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel S. Grant., Cloud Computing Security Gateway Proposed Service Architecture. International Conference on Cloud Computing and Visualization 2012 (CCV2012), Bali, Indonesia, April 2012.
1. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel Grant. Cloud Monitoring Gateway. Poster Presentation at EPSCoR North Dakota State Conference. September 18, 2012
15. Atif Farid Mohammad and Hamid Mchick. Cloud Services Testing: An Understanding. 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2011), September 2011
14. Atif Farid Mohammad and Hassan Reza. Cloud Computing and Security Attributes of Cloud Architecture. Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP 2011), Las Vegas, NV July 2011
13. Atif Farid Mohammad,Ronald Marsh and Emanuel S. Grant. Cloud Security Model using SOA 3.0 – CSM 1.0: A New Frontier, International Conference on Cloud Computing and Visualization 2011 (CCV2011), Penang, Malaysia, April 2011.
12. Atif Farid Mohammad and Emanuel S. Grant.Cloud Computing, SaaS, and SOA 3.0: A New Frontier, International Conference on Cloud Computing and Visualization 2010 (CCV2010), Prince George’s Park, Singapore, May 2010.
11. Atif Farid Mohammad, Assion Lawson-Body,Emanuel S. Grant.SOA and Security of Loosely Coupled Services in the Cloud using SOA 3.0. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2010: 481-487
10. Atif Farid Mohammad. An Achievable Service-Oriented Architecture. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2009: 164-169
9. Atif Farid Mohammad. Object-Process Methodology: A Hidden Secret for SOA Service Design. Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2009: 170-175
8. Atif Farid Mohammad, Emanuel S. Grant, Sanchit Goyal, Aashish Bhatia. Use of SOA 3.0 in Strategic Information System Planning. EMS 2009: 287-29
7. Atif Farid Mohammad, Hanif Muhammad: SOA 3.0 and Web Services Privacy and Security: An Empirical Study. GCA 2009: 161-174
6. Atif Farid Mohammad. Ubiquitous Data Management in a Personal Information Environment. SCSS 2009: 17-22
5. Atif Farid Mohammad. SOA and use of System Requirements Design – SRD: An Era of SOA 3.0. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2009: 659-666
4. Atif Farid Mohammad. A New Perspective in Scientific Software Development. SCSS (1) 2008: 129-134
3. Atif Farid Mohammad, Dustin E. R. Freeman. Supply Chain Requirements Engineering: A Simulated Reality Check. SCSS (1) 2008: 135-140
2. Atif Farid Mohammad. A Path from a Legacy System to GUI System. SCSS (1) 2008: 141-146
1. Atif Farid Mohammad. Use of Data Recharging for Personal Information Environment. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2008: 718-724