
Zeinab  Riazi
Adjunct Faculty
Computer Science
Lydia Rodriguez
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
CCI Advising Office
Luis Sanchez
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
CCI Advising Office
Keionda Sanders
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
CCI Advising Office
Saquib  Sarwar
Software and Information System
Fatima  Sayed
Software & Information Systems
Kristina Schmoeller
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
CCI Advising Office
Stephanie Schuckers
Bank of America Distinguished Professor in Computing & Informatics
Computer Science
Michele Seborowski-Price
Adjunct Faculty
Computer Science
Ali Sever
Adjunct Faculty
Computer Science
Jay Skipworth
Director of Student Professional Development
Office of the Dean
206 Woodward Hall
Lauren Slane
Teaching Assistant Professor
Computer Science
230 E Woodward Hall
Rania Sorour
Business Services Coordinator
Bioinformatics & Genomics
Kimberlee Summerville
Student Services Specialist
CCI Student Center
208 Woodward Hall