Xiuxia Du

Xiuxia Du
Personal Website: http://www.dulab.org/ Degree Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Degree: Ph.D.
Year Graduated: 2005
Education: D. Sc. (Doctor of Science) in Systems Science and Mathematics Washington University in St. Louis, August, 2005 M.S. in Electrical Engineering Washington University in St. Louis, 2004 B.S. in Electrical Engineering Hefei University of Technology, China, 1991
Dr. Du received the Ph.D. in Systems Science and Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis in 2005. She subsequently did a postdoc in Dr. Richard D. Smith’s lab at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- Du, X.; Callister, S. J.; Manes, N. P.; Adkins, J. N.; Alexandridis, R. A.; Zeng, X.; Roh, J. H.; Smith, W. E.; Donohue, T. J.; Kaplan, S.; Smith, R. D.; Lipton, M. S. (2008) A Computational Strategy to Analyze Label-Free Temporal Bottom-up Proteomics Data, J. of Proteome Res., 7(7), 2595-2604.
- Du, X.; Yang, F.; Manes, N. P.; Stenoien, D. L.; Monroe, M. E.; Adkins, J. N.; States, D. J.; Purvine, S. O.; Camp, D. G., II; Smith, R. D. (2008) Linear Discriminant Analysis-Based Estimation of False Discovery Rate for Phosphopeptide Identifications, J of Proteome Res. 7(6), 2195-2203.
- Manes, N. P.; Estep, R. D.; Mottaz, H. M.; Moore, R. J.; Clauss, T. R. W.; Monroe, M. E.; Du, X.; Adkins, J. N.; Wong, S. W.; Smith, R. D. (2008) Comparative Proteomics of Human Monkeypox and Vaccinia Intracellular Mature and Extracellular Enveloped Virions, J. of Proteome Res., 7(3), 960-968.
- Yang, F.; Jaitly, N.; Jayachandran, H.; Luo, Q.; Monroe, M. E.; Du, X.; Gritsenko, M. A.; Zhang, R.; Anderson, D. J.; Purvine, S. O.; Adkins, J. N.; Moore, R. J.; Mottaz, H. M.; Ding, S.-J.; Lipton, M. S.; Camp, D. G., II; Udseth, H. R.; Smith, R. D.; Rossie, S. (2007) Applying a Targeted Label-free Approach using LC-MS AMT tags to Evaluate Changes in Protein Phosphorylation Following Phosphatase Inhibition, J. of Proteome Res., 6(11), 4489-4497.
- Du, X.; Ghosh, B.K.; Ulinski, P. (2006) Encoding of Motion Targets by Waves in Turtle Visual Cortex, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 53, No. 8, pp.1688-1695.
- Du, X.; Ghosh, B.K.; Ulinski, P. (2005) Encoding and Decoding Target Locations with Waves in the Turtle Visual Cortex, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 566-577.
- Du, X.; Ghosh, B.K. (2003) Information-Theoretic Analysis of Turtle Cortical Waves, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6423–6428.
- Du, X.; Ni, S. (1999) Analysis and Design of Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) Pump Storage System, Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy, ISSN 1003-3076, Issue 3, pp. 13-17.
- Ding, Y.; Du, X. (1998) Design of the Triggering Circuit for the Inverter in a VSCF Wave Power Station, Power Electronics, ISSN 1000-100x, No. 2, pp. 76-78.
- Du, X.; Li, K; Ni, S. (1997) Research on the Control and Protection System for the VSCF Wave Power Station, Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy, ISSN 1003-3076, Issue 2, pp. 56-59.