Doug Hague Leads UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative

Doug Hague has been named interim executive director for UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative (DSI), an interdisciplinary industry-university-state partnership that since 2015 has focused on preparing students and industry leaders to apply the power of data to solve problems in business and society.
Hague, who holds four U.S. patents, brings more than 20 years’ experience as an executive advisor to leaders in health care, manufacturing, financial services and the service industry to identify efficient and effective analytical organization, infrastructure and data platforms. In 2018, he was named by Corinium Global Intelligence as one of the Top 50 Data and Analytics Professionals in the United States and Canada.
“We sought a thought leader with strong industry ties who values the University’s mission for urban research to lead this unique, interdisciplinary program. We believe Doug Hague is the right person to set our course for success in this endeavor,” said Joan Lorden, provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs. “Doug’s background, vision and commitment to urban research qualify him to widen the role of data science in the Charlotte market and beyond as worldwide revenues for big data and business analytics solutions are forecast to grow from today’s $189 billion to more than $274 billion by 2022.”
UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative is led collaboratively by the College of Computing and Informatics (CCI), the Belk College of Business, the College of Health and Human Services and the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Its interdisciplinary approach recognizes the evolution of data science in many industries and the need for multiple skillsets among business managers, social scientists, statisticians and health analysts to create meaning from data.
The colleges provide the intellectual capital and outreach activities to meet employers’ needs for interpreting and applying data. Through cross-campus collaboration, the Data Science Initiative develops a highly trained workforce and provides cutting-edge research through its academic programs: Data Science and Business Analytics and Health Informatics and Analytics, as well as multiple majors linked to data science in all four colleges.
Hague holds a master’s degree in system design and management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering and a master’s degree in metals science and engineering from Pennsylvania State University. He has authored 18 articles published in academic and professional journals. Familiar with data science at UNC Charlotte through advisory board participation and as an industry partnership lead, Hague, among other accomplishments, last year initiated a fellowship for Ph.D. students with Wells Fargo.
“Having served as the Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Data Science and Business Analytics program, Doug is familiar with the program and its ties to the business community,” said Bojan Cukic, CCI associate dean and professor. “His work efforts during the past year allowed DSI to reinvigorate its external relationships, create graduate student fellowships with Wells Fargo and additional partners, enable closer collaboration with the Institute for Social Capital and advocate social good research, grow the attendance and sponsorships for the Analytics Frontiers and Women in Data Science events.”
“As CCI celebrates its 20th anniversary, we are thrilled to see [Hague] take on this leadership role for the university,” said CCI’s dean, Fatma Mili. “Thanks to his educational and industry background, Doug has been able to make the transition to academia very smoothly and use his experiences to bring a fresh perspective.”
“Doug will be a valuable asset to UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative,” said Agus Sudjianto, executive vice president and head of Corporate Model Risk at Wells Fargo, and a member of UNC Charlotte’s Math Finance Advisory Committee. “His ability to connect industry partners with the University will continue to bring solutions for the constantly evolving digital age.”
DSI’s industry partners include Bank of America, CISCO, Deloitte, Grant Thornton, Lowe’s, Ingersoll Rand, North State, Red Ventures, Sealed Air, Teradata, TIAA and more.
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