

This membership level benefits from even greater exposure to, and involvement with, the College, including highest priority access to opportunities and events. Companies can upgrade from Mega Partner to Tera Partner by contributing an additional $10,000 in directed support. This support can be directed towards scholarships, gifts, sponsorships and endowment funds. Tera level partners will also have the additional opportunity to propose an Innovative Computing Project and work with a tem of senior IT students as part of their membership.


This membership level benefits from greater exposure to, and involvement in, the College’s recruiting activities.Minimum annual contributions of unrestricted funding required for recognition are:

  • Organizations with 100 employees or less- $2,000
  • Organizations with 101-1,000 employees – $5,000
  • Organizations with 1,001-10,000 employees- $10,000
  • Organizations with greater than 10,000 employees- $15,000


This membership level recognizes organizations providing special support, including scholarships; research grants, or directed student support. Participation in recruiting events is not an added benefit in this membership levels.

 *Deca members by special invitation onlyDeca MemberMega MemberTera Member
Communication     Dedicated liaison to coordinate interactions with UNC Charlotte’s College Of Computing And Informatics   
 Access to College publications and events   
RecognitionCorporate logo on CCI Business Partners website   
 Corporate name recognition within College – recognition wall, and student labs as sponsored   
 Feature page on Business Partners site – detailing company’s recruiting interests   
RecruitingPriority access to College recruiting receptions, industry panels and career fairs to build “T” shaped skills (soft-skills)   
 College recruiting assistance – College facilities for information sessions and communication of opportunities to students and alumni   
EngagementInvitation to College events – awards ceremony, recognizing high-achieving students, lab demos   
 Opportunities to interact with faculty – explore collaborative research, host faculty on your site   
 Opportunities to provide input to College –through annual events with dean and faculty, committees, and student showcase events   
 Opportunities to deliver targeted career prep talks to students and propose student’s senior projects   
SponsorshipPreferential registration as sponsor and/or exhibitor at the colleges’ nationally recognize Cyber Security and Analytics Frontiers conferences   

Additional Benefits for CCI Tera Partners

Scholarships Support students with scholarships. Scholarship sponsors and recipients attend and are recognized at the annual CCI Faculty, Staff and Students Awards Luncheon (late spring).
Endowments Create or grow endowments for scholarships, research, awards, education or other activities, subject to UNC Charlotte Development guidelines.
Education and Capstone Projects Sponsor College seminar series or ICP student project as sole named sponsor
– $5,000 – Undergraduate Innovative Computing Project | $10,000 – Graduate *No charge for Tera members
– $5,000 – CCI Graduate Research Seminar Series
– $5,000 – Charlotte Visualization Center Seminar Series
– $5,000 – Bioinformatics Graduate Seminar Series
– $5,000 – Center for Education Innovation Seminar Series
Events Sponsor College events as sole, named sponsor
– $5,000 – CCI Faculty, Staff and Students Awards Luncheon (late spring)
– $2,000 – CCI receptions for high-achieving students (December)
– $2,000 – CCI receptions for high-achieving students (May)
– $2,000 – CCI Faculty and Staff Holiday Luncheon (December)
Student Leaders Support CCI Student Leaders ($500 to $10,000)
– STARS Leadership Corps – CCI students volunteer at K-12 schools to build the computing education pipeline, with emphasis on broadening the participation of women and minorities.
– Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Organization – Student chapter of ACM professional organization. Students host technology and professional development events.
– CCI Tutors – Upper-level undergraduates tutor lower-level undergraduates
– CCI Peer Group Leaders – Upper-level undergraduates lead peer groups within Computing Professionals course for new freshmen and transfer students.
– Other student organizations including, ACM-W, 49th Security Division, C Programming Union, OWASP Student Chapter, Gamers Alliance, 49ers.NET, and CCI transfer students.
– Supporters will be recognized on a giant 80′ interactive recognition wall within the Student Leaders Office in Woodward Hall and will attend the CCI Faculty, Staff and Students Awards Luncheon (late spring) with supported students.
Conferences Sponsor popular College conferences such as Cyber Security and Software as a Service. Contact the College for sponsorship options and levels.