‘Twas the Day Before Finals

On December 6th, the faculty and staff at UNC Charlotte’s College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) gathered for a Holiday Luncheon, which featured great food, prizes, games and recognition for a staff that works dillegently, often behind the scenes, to make CCI’s motor run smoothly each day. The highlight of this year’s gathering, however, was a reading by Business Partners Director Lynn Marshall who had penned for the occasion a very special rendition of a familiar holiday poem.
‘Twas the Day Before Finals
by Lynn Marshall
Twas the day before finals and all through the college –
the students were hoping for last minute knowledge.
Their laptops were charged and ready to work
At last finishing projects they could no longer shirk
Most were quite sleepy though none touched their beds
while visons of algorithms danced in their heads.
With the faculty in their office and TA’s in their lab
Tempted to call for an uber or cab
When out in the hall there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my cube to see what the matter
Away to the door I flew to swing
And pulled on the knob and removed the little wedgy thing
The flouesent light shone on the objects below
Highlighted old furniture we would soon stow
When what before my eyes I couldn’t help but stare
But our associate deans and department chairs
When out walked a leader so lively and willy
I knew in a moment it must be Dean Millie
More rapid than google the faculty they came
She emailed and texted and Called them by name
Now Manuel, now Bill, now Mary Lou and Larry
On Bojan, on Min, and Mirsad let’s be merry
To Cheryl, Erica, Jessica and Kim
To Crystal, Jocelyn, Aliana pencil me in
We have much to do as the semester winds down
And Mike says we’re the most innovative college around
You know what to do we have holacracy in place
And the I like, I wish, I wonder, database
CCI just keeps growing although our building has not
We have no room left we are in quite a spot
With more than 3,000 students we are ahead in the race
Though according to Amazon we don’t even place
With computer science, SIS, bioinformatics and genomics
We are more into languages than computer components
Our faculty and researchers are up to the test
And our CCI staff is simply the best
So for all that you do to help our students succeed
Teach them advise them, help them with whatever they need
We have for you chicken, cookies, and cake pops too
Our way of saying thank you for all that you do
Check out a small galery of photos from the party, HERE.