CCI-led Team Receives NSF Award to Improve Retention and Engagement for Students
The team of teaching innovators in the Department of Computer Science, lead by Dr. Kalpathi Subramanian, Associate Professor, received a $541,616 award from National Science Foundation for the “Retaining and Engaging Computer Science majors By Solving and Visualizing Algorithmic Problems on Real-world Data Sets” project. The project addresses the design of engaging teaching materials for […]

CCI Faculty Member Receives IEEE Fellowship
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is one of the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. IEEE Fellow is granted to members who have made “extraordinary accomplishments.” CCI’s very own Dr. Yu Wang was recently elected as an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to topology design and performance optimization […]

Getting the ‘Bang’ for your ‘Buck’: Charlotte is Top City for Tech Salaries
Graduation is right around the corner for some of you. The thought of living a “normal life” outside of college courses and extracurricular activities can be somewhat frightening. The closer you get to graduation, the more questions that pop up in your head such as: What jobs should you apply for? How much money should […]

CCI Dr. Erik Saule Attends International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Nov. 12 – Nov. 17, Assistant Professor, Dr. Erik Saule, attended SC17 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, CO. SC17 is the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. While at the conference, Dr. Saule spent his time chairing the High-Performance Computing for Undergraduate Students. This program selected 32 undergraduate students […]

Software and Information Systems Chair invited to Present at Sander Series in Toronto
Dr. Mary Lou Maher, the Chair of Software and Information Systems, is presenting her latest book at the Toronto User Experience (TUX) Sander Series. The Sanders Series invites distinguished Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) visionaries from around the world to present their research to the Toronto User Experience. Their lectures are recorded and posted online. As part […]

UNCC Team Qualifies to Compete in Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Regionals
The Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition “focuses on the operational aspect of managing and protecting (defending) an existing network infrastructure.” It is the Southeast-qualifying event for the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. A group of students from our college competed together and qualified to compete in regionals April 2-3 a Kennesaw State University. “They came […]

Computer Science Major Creates Unique Studying App
Imagine it’s 5 p.m. on a Wednesday night. You have an exam at 8 a.m. tomorrow. You decide to cook yourself a hearty dinner to nourish your mind before you meet up with your classmates at the library to study. To get a little ahead on your studying you bring out your flash cards while […]

Cyber Security Throwdown
Recently, a team of UNC Charlotte graduate and undergraduate Cyber Security students earned a spot in the Southeast Regional Finals of the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) at Georgia’s Kennesaw State University (KSU). To garner one of just eight invitations, the UNC Charlotte squad participated in a virtual qualifier in February. Advised by Dr. Thomas […]

Biology and Autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects at least 1% of the world’s population, creating large-scale medical, educational and social challenges. As a spectrum disorder, ASD manifests in an array of exhibited challenges and strengths with an equally diverse number of genetic and environmental influences, making it a particularly difficult condition to study. With each study, the […]

CCI Family Recognizes Its Own
On April 5, the College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) family gathered in one of the salons within the Barnhardt Student Activities Center for an evening of fun and fellowship. The annual Faculty and Staff Awards Dinner featured games, raffles and even a trivia challenge, but the highlight, as always, was the recognition of outstanding […]