Special Faculty Procedures and Guidelines

The College of Computing and Informatics has established the following formal procedures and guidelines for the initial appointment, reappointment and promotion of its special faculty.

CCI: Special Faculty Appointments

This document is the college version of the university document published here. The college version differs from the university document in two locations.

1. The definition of Lecturer includes two additional bullet points:

  • Ability and willingness to participate in advising
  • Ability and willingness to participate in department, college, and university affairs

2. The definition of Senior Lecturer includes two additional bullet points:

  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to participate in advising
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to participate in department, college, and university affairs

CCI: Special Faculty Initial Appointment & Promotion Procedures

This document describes the procedures for special faculty initial appointment and promotion. Key elements include the composition of the special faculty department review committee, the use of external reviewers, the review chain, the composition of the dossier & review file, and the criteria for each rank of each special faculty type.

CCI: Special Faculty Reappointment Guidelines

This document contains the guidelines for special faculty reappointment.