Labs & Research
SIS Labs and Research
Innovations in IT and Cybersecurity

Our Master’s students in the Department of Software & Information Systems (SIS) engage in various innovative projects and studies through our state-of-the-art laboratories – including remote opportunities. Explore our SIS lab websites below to see all the exciting research and developments happening across the department.
- CCI Makerspace
- Center for Education Innovation
- Cyber Defense & Network Assurability (CyberDNA) Center
- Cyber Resuliency, Security, and Trust (CReST) Lab
- Cyber Threat Hunting Lab
- Health Informatics Lab
- Human Computer Interaction Lab (HCI Lab)
- Laboratory of Information Integration, Security, and Privacy (LIISP)
- Neuro-Cognitive Interaction Lab
- NSF Center for Cybersecurity Analytics and Automation
- SmartHome Lab
- Urban Synergetics Lab